1. Never Again - Harvard University Press
2 mei 2023 · Making the lessons, limits, and liabilities of politics driven by memories of a troubled history harrowingly clear, Never Again is a story with ...
Germans remember the Nazi past so that it may never happen again. But how has the abstract vow to remember translated into concrete action to prevent new genocides abroad?As reports of mass killings in Bosnia spread in the middle of 1995, Germans faced a dilemma. Should the Federal Republic deploy its military to the Balkans to prevent a genocide, or would departing from postwar Germany’s pacifist tradition open the door to renewed militarism? In short, when Germans said “never again,” did they mean “never again Auschwitz” or “never again war”?Looking beyond solemn statements and well-meant monuments, Andrew I. Port examines how the Nazi past shaped German responses to the genocides in Cambodia, Bosnia, and Rwanda—and further, how these foreign atrocities recast Germans’ understanding of their own horrific history. In the late 1970s, the reign of the Khmer Rouge received relatively little attention from a firmly antiwar public that was just “discovering” the Holocaust. By the 1990s, the genocide of the Jews was squarely at the center of German identity, a tectonic shift that inspired greater involvement in Bosnia and, to a lesser extent, Rwanda. Germany’s increased willingness to use force in defense of others reflected the enthusiastic embrace of human rights by public officials and ordinary citizens. At the same time, conservatives welcomed the opportunity for a more active international role involving military might—to the chagrin of pacifists and progressives at home.Maki...
2. Never Again Publishing | The Railway Magazine
28 jun 2019 · ... the 4 volumes, this book is a must-have purchase for a true enthusiast. The chapters of 'Never Again' reflect the enormous spread of the ...
Never Again Publishing are an independent book publisher that formed in 2017 to create and distribute a definitive pictorial record of the activities of the ...
3. Never Again | Book by Jo-ann Power - Simon & Schuster
Award-winning author Jo-Ann Power brought the Gilded Age to splendid life in Never Before, the first novel in a wonderful trilogy featuring young American ...
Award-winning author Jo-Ann Power brought the Gilded Age to splendid life in Never Before, the first novel in a wonderful trilogy featuring young A...
4. Never Again Series by R.J. Rummel - Goodreads
Book 1 · Shelve War & Democide Never Again · Book 2 · Shelve Nuclear Holocaust Never Again · Book 3 · Shelve Reset Never Again · Book 4 · Shelve Red Terror.
War & Democide Never Again (Never Again #1), Nuclear Holocaust Never Again (Never Again #2), Reset Never Again (Never Again #3), Red Terror (Never Again...
5. NeverAgain by David Hogg, Lauren Hogg - Penguin Random House
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From two survivors of the Parkland, Florida, shooting comes a declaration for our times, and an in-depth look at the making of the # ...
See Also小山弘起 PeeNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From two survivors of the Parkland, Florida, shooting comes a declaration for our times, and an in-depth look at the making of the #NeverAgain movement. On...
6. About - Never Again Action
ABOUT US · Never Again Action is a Jewish-led mobilization against the persecution, detention, and deportation of immigrants in the United States.
7. Never Again by Flora Nwapa (Ebook) - Read free for 30 days - Everand
Talented in many genres, Flora Nwapa also wrote short stories This is Lagos and other Stories (1971), Wives at War and Other Stories (1980), poems Cassava Song ...
Written by Flora Nwapa after the Nigerian Civil War, "Never Again looks at her society at a time of war and she concentrates on the importance of Biafran women in sustaining their fighting men and the society in general. She depicts the extreme demands war makes on people and the book is all about survival on a personal and national level. As a novelist, critics have mainly acclaimed Ms. Nwapa for her forthrightness and honesty, whether it be dealing with the conflict between the sexes or the poisoning of social relationships in war-time". Alison Perry, West Africa Magazine. "Nwapa's novella Never Again (1975) is another landmark in Nigerian women's writing. Based on her personal experience in war-torn Biafra, it is the first war narrative written by an African woman." Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi, Africa Wo/Man Palava: The Nigerian Novel by Women.
8. Never Again | Chris Kennedy Publishing
15 apr 2024 · Series: Blood And Armor · Format: Audiobook, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Paperback · Genre: Military SciFi · Publisher: Theogony Books · Narrator: ...
The hottest fires and greatest pressures
9. "NEVER AGAIN" Association
... NEVER AGAIN' has built the most extensive register of racist incidents and other xenophobic crimes committed in Poland, the 'Brown Book'. The 'NEVER AGAIN ...